Sunday, April 12, 2009

Critique #4

This semester, I have focused my series on night photography. In my series, I show a specific voice that is both mysterious and calming. I allude to the fact that night is creepy, but we all must face it. At night, artificial light helps to create a mysterious scenario. All of my photos use artificial light and color to help create a luminous scene.
I hope my viewer can hear my voice through these pieces. I myself have struggled with this series because night photography is inherently a daunting task. The right light, angles, and shutter speed have dictated my thought process throughout this venture. I believe that through this detached style, which follows the contemporary deadpan technique, I have accurately portrayed seemly normal environments with a mystical flare using light and color.

1 comment:

carlyblog said...

I like these images. I was looking through your contact sheet and I also really like images 0022 and 0134