The art of photography has always held a special place in my life. The capturing of an instance resonates with the need for someone, somewhere, to experience the same moment as I and to gain or conclude from what is implied. This series focuses on night photography. In these photographs, I show a specific emphasis on the way that darkness alludes to a mood that is both mysterious and calming. I imply to the fact that night is looming and creepy, but we all must face it. At night, artificial light helps to create a mysterious scenario. All of my photos contain a luminous, yet ominous mood.

I hope my viewer can hear my voice throughout this series. I myself have struggled with this series because night photography is inherently a challenging medium. The right light, angles, and shutter speed are key components in my work. I believe the detached emotion of my work better enables the mysterious scenes to appear. Through this, I display seemingly normal environments that are unthreatening in the day, a dark and mysterious universe when shown at night.
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